Senior Research Associate (m/f/d) / 12047 / Institute of Neuropathology
Senior Research Associate (m/f/d)
(Entgeltgruppe: EG 14 TV-L)
Einsatzbereich: Institute of Neuropathology
Stellen ID: 12047
Eintritt: nächstmöglicher Termin
Umfang: Vollzeit / 38,5
Vertragsart: Befristet
Befristung: gemäß § 2 Abs. 1 WissZeitVG
Ihre Aufgaben: Main topics of scientific projects are:
- Kallikrein-8 as an early biomarker and therapeutic Target for Alzheimer’s Disease
- Epigenetic effects of exercise on Alzheimer’s pathology
Your Duties:
- You will develop or assist developing scientific projects, write grant applications and scientific papers
- You will establish new methods and teach these methods to other lab members
- You will head and supervise the Postdoc, technical and student personnel in laboratory duties and research and maintain laboratory operations
Ihr Profil
- You have completed a PhD in biological sciences and have already worked in academic fields as a postdoctoral researcher at least for a few years
- You are a highly self-motivated and dedicated scientist with a strong background in neurosciences and preferentially with a focus on neurodegenerative diseases
- You have profound experience in molecular and cell biology and are very well skilled in working with (transgenic) mouse models
- Applicants with extensive hands-on experience in working with 3D cell culture and / or epigenetic methodology will be given priority
- You have ample experience in developing a published neuroscience project from conceptualization to completion
Freuen Sie sich auf:
- A position with a rich array of services, programs and benefits to help employees advance in their career and enhance the quality of personal life, including, workshops, childcare, parental leave, flexible work and home office options. We embrace diversity and seek candidates who will contribute to a climate that supports students, faculty, and staff to all identities and backgrounds
- A secure job in the public service of the state of NRW
- Fair payment in accordance with the collective wage agreement (TV-L) incl. annual bonus payment and supplementary company pension scheme
- 30 days of vacation per calendar year (for a full-time position
- Interdisciplinary work with colleagues from other departments
- Working with modern equipment and certified quality standards
- Family-friendly corporate culture, e.g. company daycare center, vacation program for school-age children, advice and support from the Employee Service Office in all life situations
- Wide range of training and continuing education opportunities, e.g. at the Training Academy of UK Essen
- Active health management, e.g. company integration management, vaccinations, promotion of sports activities
- Attractive fringe benefits, e.g. reduced-price canteen meals, community events, accommodation in student residences
Rahmenbedingungen: Die Eingruppierung richtet sich nach den persönlichen und tariflichen Voraussetzungen., Schwerbehinderte Bewerberinnen / Bewerber und Gleichgestellte i.S. des § 2 Abs. 3 SGB IX werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt berücksichtigt., Die ausgeschriebene Stelle ist grundsätzlich auch für Teilzeitbeschäftigte geeignet., Das UK Essen strebt eine Erhöhung des Frauenanteils in Bereichen an, in denen Frauen unterrepräsentiert sind. Sie werden zur Bewerbung aufgefordert und im Sinne des LGGs bei gleicher Qualifikation vorrangig berücksichtigt., Eine Bescheinigung gemäß §23a Infektionsschutzgesetz (IfSG) über den Impf- und Serostatus bzgl. Masern ist erforderlich.
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