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Research Associate (Phd candidate) in data science & biochemistry for metabolic signaling (m/f/d) /

Detailansicht des Stellenangebots Stellendetails zu: Research Associate (Phd candidate) in data science & biochemistry for metabolic signaling (m/f/d) / Research Associate (Phd candidate) in data science & biochemistry for metabolic signaling (m/f/d) /KopfbereichArbeitWissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/inResearch Associate (Phd candidate) in data science & biochemistry for metabolic signaling (m/f/d) /Universitätsklinikum EssenTeilzeit (Vormittag, Nachmittag, Abend)Essen, Ruhrab sofortbefristet für 32 MonateHeuteStellenbeschreibung
Research Associate (Phd candidate) in data science & biochemistry for metabolic signaling (m/f/d)
(Entgeltgruppe: EG 13 TV-L)
Einsatzbereich: Research Center One Health Ruhr - Department for Metabolism, Senescence and Autophagy
Stellen ID: 11289
Eintritt: Next possible date
Umfang: Teilzeit / 28,875 h
Vertragsart: Befristet
Befristung: 36 Months gemäß § 2 Abs. 1 WissZeitVG
Ihre Aufgaben: As a member of the newly founded department for "Metabolism, Senescence and Autophagy" (Head: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Kathrin Thedieck, www.metabolic-signaling.eu) at the Research Center One Health Ruhr, the position holder will complement and strengthen the work on the EU-funded BEYOND STRESS project (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101054429/ ). BEYOND STRESS investigates the role of stress granule proteins in the mTOR network. The project also addresses the relationship with prognosis, drug response and outcome in breast cancer. Methods comprise biochemical and cell biological techniques and systems analysis of signaling and metabolic networks, from basic mechanisms to the clinic.
The newly founded Research Centre One Health Ruhr - from Molecules to Systems (https://www.uaruhr.de/researchallianceruhr/onehealthruhr.html.en)) of the Universities of Duisburg-Essen, Dortmund and Bochum focuses on research into the fundamental mechanisms of health and disease, from the molecular level to higher-level systems. The ecosystem is the context in which we consider the complex interactions between environmental health, animal health and human health in the sense of the "One Health" concept. The "Metabolism, Senescence and Autophagy" department is particularly concerned with the influence of metabolic disruptors on oncogenic mechanisms and therapy response.
The Faculty of Medicine enjoys an excellent reputation - in the clinical and translational fields as well as in basic research. The key research areas "Oncology", "Cardiovascular Diseases", "Immunology and Infectiology", "Translational Neuro- and Behavioural Sciences" and "Transplantation" are internationally established. We offer an excellent scientific environment and attractive opportunities for collaboration with renowned international, national and regional partners. As a site of the German Consortium for Translational Cancer Research (DKTK, https://dktk.dkfz.de/en/sites/essen-duesseldorf)) and the National Centre for Tumour Research (NCT, https://nct.dkfz.de/en/sites.html)), we offer a network of excellent partners in cancer research.Research in the field of PI3K-mTOR signaling with a focus on stress granule proteins and RNA metabolism in tumors (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101054429/de)
Methods encompass systems approaches including mathematical modeling and multi-omics data integration and their experimental application in the area of signal transduction throuh the PI3K-mTOR network
Education and training towards obtaining your Ph.D.
Publication activities, incl. participation in conferences and congresses, writing publications

Ihr Profil

Completed studies (diploma or master's degree) in bioinformatics, chemistry, biology, biochemistry or a comparable discipline with very good degrees
Focus on biochemistry, signaling and/or metabolism
Knowledge in the field of data science and modeling
Desired methodological skills:cell culture and biochemical methods
programming languages e.g. C/C++, Python, R, Bash
experience in data integration for multi-omics analysis and/or the use and programming of high-performance computers (high-performance computing) is a plus
Fluent in written and spoken English
Strong communication skills
Team player
Freuen Sie sich auf:
A diverse, interdisciplinary and international team conducting top-level research in the mTOR field with high ranking publications and competitive funding
Regular retreats and the opportunity to take part in conferences
Childcare in the in-house daycare centre in the same building
An environment characterised by mutual respect
The opportunity to realise your own ideas
Short decision-making processes
A diverse, interdisciplinary and international team
Worldwide excellent project partners
A secure job in the public service of the state of NRW
Fair payment in accordance with the collective wage agreement (TV-L) incl. annual bonus payment and supplementary company pension scheme
30 days of vacation per calendar year (for a full-time position)
Interdisciplinary work with colleagues from other departments
Working with modern equipment and certified quality standards
Family-friendly corporate culture, e.g. company daycare center, vacation program for school-age children, advice and support from the Employee Service Office in all life situations
Wide range of training and continuing education opportunities, e.g. at the Training Academy of UK Essen
Health Management, e.g. company integration management, vaccinations, promotion of sports activities
Attractive fringe benefits, e.g. reduced-price canteen meals, community events, accommodation in student residences
Rahmenbedingungen: Die Eingruppierung richtet sich nach den persönlichen und tariflichen Voraussetzungen., Schwerbehinderte Bewerberinnen / Bewerber und Gleichgestellte i.S. des § 2 Abs. 3 SGB IX werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt berücksichtigt., Im Falle einer schriftlichen Bewerbung reichen Sie Ihre Unterlagen nur als unbeglaubigte Kopien ein und verwenden Sie keine Mappen, da keine Rückgabe erfolgt. Eine Vernichtung entlang der datenschutzrechtlichen Bestimmungen wird zugesichert., Das UK Essen strebt eine Erhöhung des Frauenanteils in Bereichen an, in denen Frauen unterrepräsentiert sind. Sie werden zur Bewerbung aufgefordert und im Sinne des LGGs bei gleicher Qualifikation vorrangig berücksichtigt., Eine Bescheinigung gemäß §23a Infektionsschutzgesetz (IfSG) über den Impf- und Serostatus bzgl. Masern ist erforderlich.
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Research Associate (Phd candidate) in data science & biochemistry for metabolic signaling (m/f/d) /

Universitätsklinikum Essen
Teilzeit, Befristet

Veröffentlicht am 26.06.2024

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