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Assistent Doctor for Psychosomatic Medicine (m/w/d)

Detailansicht des Stellenangebots Stellendetails zu: Assistent Doctor for Psychosomatic Medicine (m/w/d) Assistent Doctor for Psychosomatic Medicine (m/w/d)KopfbereichArbeitAssistenzarzt/-ärztinAssistent Doctor for Psychosomatic Medicine (m/w/d)Landschaftsverband Westfalen- Lippe - LWL-Klinik HertenVollzeitHerten, Westfalenab 01.08.2024unbefristetHeuteStellenbeschreibung

The LWL-Klinik Herten provides 285 inpatient and partical inpatient treatment places. The treatment focuses on dpression, mother-child therapy for postpartum depression, dementia, personality disorders, psychoses, addictions and psychosomatic disorders - both inpatient and outpatient.
As an Assistent doctor for psychosomatic medicine some of your tasks will be:
the dedicated work in the care of psychosomatic patients
treatment of psychosomatic patients on an inpatient, partial impatient and outpatient basis
in general an interesting and varied range of tasks
treatment of our patients in a multi-professionell team

Your profile

You have completed your studies in human medicine
You are interested in psychosomatic medicine
ability to work in a team
Our offer:
An interesting an varied range of tasks
A collegial work enviroment in an experienced team
Careful and qualified onboarding
Flexible working hours and the option of mobile working
A digital learning platform and flexible organzation of further training opportunities
(Appropriate/performance-based) remuneration based on TV-Ärzte/VKS as well as Social benefits of the public sector and an occupational pension scheme
Parking facilities for our employees
Company health management
Collegial support, psychosicial advice and occupational integration management for our employees
For applicants who have their permanent residence abroad: The International and Specialized Services will help you find a job in Germany. We are a department of the German Federal Employment Agency. Our service is free of charge. We will be happy to inform you: +49 (0) 228 713 1313 / zav@arbeitsagentur.de
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Assistent Doctor for Psychosomatic Medicine (m/w/d)

Landschaftsverband Westfalen- Lippe - LWL-Klinik Herten
Vollzeit, Unbefristet

Veröffentlicht am 24.06.2024

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